In operation since 2002, CEFAS WaveNet collects and processes data from the Cefas-operated Datawell Directional Waverider buoys, tethered at strategic locations around the UK coastline. Currently, the network comprises a total of 15 buoys, measuring wave parameters and sea surface temperature. Cefas sends the wave data to the UK Met Office (to help improve the wave and tidal surge model) and the National Flood Forecasting Service (UKCFF) and also distributes the real time feed through its Data Portal.
From October 2023, at In Situ TAC, we distribute the real time feed from these buoys, to benefit our users with seamless access to the main wave measuring networks along the UK coast through our Near Real Time products.

Left: Wavenet buoy, image courtesy of CEFAS (; right: CEFAS Wavenet in marineinsitu.