Pokapok (Société coopérative ARL) is a cooperative society created in September 2021 and based in Plouzané, France. This private company is specialized in physical and biogeochemical (BGC) in situ data assessment. The company develops statistical methods for the qualification, validation and analysis of large multi-parameter oceanographic datasets from various sources (in-situ, satellite or model outputs) while meeting the scientific community requirements of accessibility, interoperability and reusability.
Pokapok is participating in the following tasks:
- Task 1 : Near Real Time (NRT) operation.
- Support to NRT operation in the GLO region for T&S (MinMax Method) and BGC variables
- Task 2 : Multi -year Operations.
- Recovery of historical data in the GLO region in link with EMODnet-Chemistry and GLODAP
- OSR/OMI coordination
- Task 3 : Interfaces
- BGC REProcessed product
- Task 4 : System Evolution and implementation.
- MinMax development
- Enhancement of NRT BGC quality control procedures
- Task 5 : Cross-cutting activities
- Product quality expert and managments
- BGC assimilation working Group