Copernicus Marine In Situ TAC

Workshop on Market update on Coperncius for Finish private sector (Helsinki,Finland)

Workshop on Market update on Coperncius for Finish private sector (Helsinki,Finland)

Last week (October 24th) took place the Workshop on Market update on Coperncius for Finish private sector in Helsinki, Finland. During such worksop, the Finnish Environment Institute (part of the In Situ TAC team), presented a poster (pdf) showcasing all its activities regarding the collection, processing and distribution of ferrybox data in the Baltic Sea.

The Finnish Environment Institute (SYKE), Marine Research Laboratory is operating a ferrybox systems onboard Finnmaid ferry cruising 3 times a week between Helsinki, Finland and Travemünde, Germany and M/S Silja Serenade operating between Helsinki and Stockholm every night. Along the ferry track ferrybox system records salinity, temperature and chlorophyll-a fluorescence every 20 seconds from the flow through water with the inlet at 5 meters depth. Ferrybox system includes also a water sampler collecting 24 one liter water samples for nutrient and chlorophyll-a analysis in the laboratory.

The flow through records are transferred in near real time to Copernicus Marine Monitoring Service as part of the INSITU BAL NRT OBSERVTIONS available on the Coperncius Marine Service Catalog.

This data can be accesed also trough the In Situ TAC Dashboard (i.e filter, in the provider tab, by SYKE edmo_code: 1104).