Copernicus Marine In Situ TAC

In Situ TAC in IMDIS 2018

In Situ TAC in IMDIS 2018

In Situ TAC is going to take part this week in IMDIS 2018. This International Conference on Marine Data and Information Systems will take place at the Auditorium of the PRBB (Barcelona Biomedical Research Park), Barcelona (Spain) from November 5th to 7th. Several In Situ TAC member will join the event, being worth mentioning the intervention that will be done on tuesday (November 6th) at 17:45 by Loic Petit de La Villeon and Sylvie Pouliquen: “Assessment of existing services and new services provided by the Copernicus Marine In Situ Thematic Assembly Centre“.
Presentation and video will be linked to this news afterwards for you to check!

 International Conference on Marine Data and Information Systems