Copernicus Marine In Situ TAC

In Situ TAC Dashboard Upgrade

In Situ TAC Dashboard Upgrade

During In Situ TAC General Assembly held in Toulouse at Collecte Localisation Satellites (CLS) facilities from October 8th-11th, the In Situ TAC Web & Communication Working Group (Antonis ChalkiopoulousFernando ManzanoPaz Rotllan Garcia) presented the new version of the In Situ Dasboard.

This new version has been built side to side with Seadatanet and EMODnet which has provide to the In Situ TAC the neccessary webservices (WS) for the provider overview and the parameter visualization now displayed when clicking on a platform.

The In Situ TAC Dashboard allows users to interactively explore and download all active platform’s data. Next steps are meant to extent this dashboard to display also already inactive platforms.