Copernicus Marine In Situ TAC

Author Archives: instac

Last week Ifremer held the third In Situ TAC General Assembly. At least one presentative for each of 17 partners of the In Situ TAC consortium attended in order to expose the last advances…

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WOD Bottles

An important upgrade in the In Situ data archival has been recently accomplished: Find next some snapshots of the recently integrated platforms:

In Situ TAC training on network & data
EOOS Conference 2018

From 21 to 23 November, 300 stakeholders debated end-to-end solutions to meeting the societal and policy demands for ocean data. The importance of in situ measurements for operational oceanography and…

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International Conference on Marine Data and Information Systems

In Situ TAC is going to take part this week in IMDIS 2018. This International Conference on Marine Data and Information Systems will take place at the Auditorium of the…

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In Situ TAC Dashboard to interactively explore and download all active platform’s data

During In Situ TAC General Assembly held in Toulouse at Collecte Localisation Satellites (CLS) facilities from October 8th-11th, the In Situ TAC Web & Communication Working Group (Antonis Chalkiopoulous, Fernando Manzano, Paz Rotllan Garcia) presented…

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Since the October 8th, the In Situ TAC team is helding its General Assembly at the facilities of Collecte Localisation Satellites (CLS). This meeting will review all the progress done since…

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The Copernicus Marine Environment Monitoring Service (CMEMS) benefits from a range of in situ observations, drawn from a wide variety of platforms, including autonomous ocean-based observatories and sensors aboard ships.…

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The major European marine data integrators and infrastructures (Copernicus Marine Service, SeaDataNet and EMODnet Physics) and the Research Infrastructure JERICO are supporting and promoting the outcome of the HFR Task Team activities. New…

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