Copernicus Marine In Situ TAC

The In Situ TAC Dashboard as Advanced Tool in Copernicus Marine Service Pretty Viewer

The In Situ TAC Dashboard as Advanced Tool in Copernicus Marine Service Pretty Viewer

Last month Copernicus Marine Service announced the release of a new viewer called “Pretty Viewer” available at: This Viewer pivots on Web Map Services (WMS) which does not apply to many of the In Situ products (not gridded but discrete observations mainly). The Copernicus Marine Service solution for this has been to provide a “Advanced Tool” button where our Dashboard can be reached for multiparameter NRT products visualization.

Pretty Viewer - Dashboard as Advanced Tool

The In Situ TAC family is happier than ever with this step forward!. Next months we will working hard to extend our Dashboard to our dedicated products (Carbon, Waves, UV etc). Let’s hope for the best! 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉